

Features High spatial resolution to detect single brick fall High thermal sensitivity to warn of any suspect temperature change Automatic calibration with internal blackbody: no drift over time Unique scan angle, up to 140°, to scan long shell Unique external reference blackbody for unsurpassed accuracy in adverse weather conditions Fibre optic link to the control room to avoid electromagnetic interferences Rugged system, designed for demanding environments

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High spatial resolution to detect single brick fall

High thermal sensitivity to warn of any suspect temperature change

Automatic calibration with internal blackbody: no drift over time

Unique scan angle, up to 140°, to scan long shell

Unique external reference blackbody for unsurpassed accuracy in adverse weather conditions

Fibre optic link to the control room to avoid electromagnetic interferences

Rugged system, designed for demanding environments



Continuous full temperature map, with a true one-brick resolution,

Hot spots early warning before damage,

Monitoring and extension of refractory lifetime,

Reliable preventive maintenance scheduling,

Solution adapted to any requirement (multiple shadows – long kiln – free space limited)

Scanner data directly linked to Plant Control System
